To so naše zgodbe

Člani naše skupnosti sodelujejo na prireditvah in dejavnostih po vsej Evropi, številni jih tudi organizirajo. Nekateri so tako izrazili svoj pogled na prihodnost Evrope, drugi pa so pridobili nova znanja in spretnosti. Dejavno so se vključili v spreminjanje Evrope in s to izkušnjo so se spremenili tudi sami. Spoznajte njihove zgodbe.

V žarišču

Zgodba nosilke sprememb v skupnosti z odliko: NEMČIJA – Paula

Glasovi v volilni skrinjici so odvisni od nas.

Preberite celotno zgodbo About Zgodba nosilke sprememb v skupnosti z odliko: NEMČIJA – Paula

Prikazano je 9 pričevanj od 32

Top change-maker story:
POLAND – Kamil

I am Kamil, a long-time supporter of the European Union. My strong connection with the EU dates back to my participation in an Erasmus exchange programme at the University of Potsdam during the winter of 2020/21. This experience enriched my education, language skills and global network.

Top change-maker story:

Embarking on my journey with the community has been an important experience that has gone beyond my academic studies in international relations and diplomacy.

Top change-maker story:
CYPRUS – Evgenia

Evgenia is a proactive board member of the non-governmental organisation Cyprus Youth DiplomaCY.

Top change-maker story:
LISBON – Vasco

On President Roberta Metsola’s first visit, Vasco joined more than 80 young Portuguese people to talk about the European Union, young people’s expectations and the future of democracy.

Top change-maker story:

I found out about the platform from the newsletter of the Society of Political Sciences at my university in Tartu. I immediately signed up to and started receiving their newsletters, which offer many interesting opportunities to readers. For example, I was able to take part in a European Youth Event in Strasbourg and soon I’m going to Brussels for management training.

Top change-maker story:
SLOVAKIA – Nicole and Nina

Nicole and Nina founded the association European Potential. They are both law students at the University of Trnava in Slovakia.

Top change-maker story:
ITALY – Pietro

Being a volunteer with has been an incredible opportunity for me to connect with young Europeans and get involved in important discussions about the EU’s future.

Top change-maker story:
PARIS – Théo

I have been committed to the European Union since I was 17. My engagement with the European project stems from my personal convictions and my faith in democratic values

Zgodba nosilca sprememb z odliko v skupnosti – Steven

Ime mi je Steven in študiram evropske študije, saj me Evropa in Evropska unija zelo zanimata. Države članice Evropske unije so kot sestavni del Unije skupno prevzele načeli solidarnosti in racionalnega sodelovanja na številnih področjih delovanja, na primer v trgovini, na področju človekovih pravic in vzajemne varnosti. Hkrati je treba priznati, da sta mir in varnost, čeprav ne nespremenljiva, vendarle cilja, ki sta dosegljiva s skupnimi prizadevanji.